Friday, July 25, 2008

Toxic April... May... June and July...

Been away for quite some time, well at least from my blog. As the title states, I've been busy. Work has been extremely toxic these past couple of months. I was pretty much out of it, had to give some focus on work over a lot of what I consider more fun. ;)

Still working on three building projects since the start of the year, all of which have started to experience their own set of problems that takes up most of my time. Suffice it to say, it was toxic enough. Enough for me to look for every opportunity to escape from it all every way I can to stay sane. I've been looking forward to playing more tabletop gaming during weekends, which is kinda sad if you tend to miss a few weekends due to the occassional demands of work. Maybe I haven't been playing billiards as often as I would want to. Tried taking up the cue again after a long drought and I'm rusty. Very. It's time I challenge myself again.

It's been a toxic four months, with no signs of letting off just yet. I guess I just have try to endure it a little more.


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