Sunday, February 03, 2008

Weekend Therapy...

February 2, 2008...

Had to get my mind off work and other stuff so I timed out early to catch up with the Galleria Regulars and maybe play a couple of games.

Lots of the players were in attendance. Got to play one game against a new player, who fielded an Armored Company with a Baneblade as a centerpiece. First time for my army to take on mechanized Guardsmen. Had some serious fun in winning that game, considering I had to put my thinking cap on the very first turn with the tactics I had to dish out in getting to his battle line and braving the Armored Company's opening salvos.

Good game.

February 3, 2008...

Getting some of my miniatures ready for painting. Mapping out my plans for assembly and painting my miniatures. My Temple Flameguard's almost done, too bad the weather wasn't ideal for spraybombing some more Menoth stuff for painting. So I'm readying some earlier primed 40k stuff instead. Hope to post some pictures of my finished work soon.


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