Thursday, December 27, 2007

In Search Of A Medal...

December 26, 2007...

Not really.

Christmas was only yesterday and already it was back to the grind the very next day. As expected, a couple of officemates didn't report in for obvious reasons, not as if their presence on site would make much difference anyways. Majority of the workers' minds were still on vacation mode, so progress on site was relatively laid back, taking it slow.

Sadly, not for me. While my sitework is very much taking the backseat, my start-up projects are calling for deadlines left and right. Despite that, things seem to be working for us and hopefully stress levels will not be so high as the week progresses. Well, as if work done during the course of this week would make much difference come New Year. We'll see.

Trying to do a Jessica Rabbit? Hehe....


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