Sunday, December 02, 2007

Long Weekend To December...

December 2, 2007

My long weekend really didn't turn out to be the kind of long weekend I had hoped for. First off, its started off with a looong drive home from what turned out to be my last day of work for the week, brought about by some political nonesense, to which I'm not really in a mood to discuss at length on this post. Suffice it to say, it took me THREE hours to get home, negotiating traffic through roads where you can see the effects of political unrest that event caused.

My Friday holiday, Saturday and most of Sunday, I was ill (actually still not 100% just yet). Must've eaten something that didn't really agree with me. It's a bummer getting sick at a time when you can actually get a chance to rest and relax. Missed out on a lot of things, including a day of gaming with the other HGR dudes.

And, in a couple of hours, its back to the grind again... what happened to the long weekend?



Blogger x said...

it's weird how time flies, sometime, noh? i hope you're ok, dear. get well and hope you get another long weekend (a restful 1) because you deserve it!

December 04, 2007 10:30 AM  
Blogger Kyuzo said...

i'm feeling a little better now, thanks aCey. wishing everyone another long weekend soon(er). ;)

December 04, 2007 11:51 PM  

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