Sunday, October 28, 2007

Not Exactly A Long Vacation Now, Is It? ...

October 28, 2007...

No work Monday, Thursday and Friday. That means I got this Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday still. It's one of those weird sets of days were construction will not exactly regain much of its momentum considering the short period between holidays. And sure enough most of us would be distracted feeling its still a holiday, when in actual fact, its not.

Got started with some prep work and assembly of some Warmachine figs I still have stored here and there. Currently cleaning up a couple of temple flameguard and dervish models. And a whole bunch of bases for sculpting. Great. Plus, I'm having a little trouble getting myself into a groove in terms of painting the other stuff too. I'm sure it will come to me when I'm ready.

And the holidays are not exactly a time for rest either. Will be helping Sister Pie with her house move on Monday, while Thursday/Friday will most likely involve the traffic and the hectic atmosphere of All Saints and All Souls WHILE helping out with my sister's move still. So I'm most likely expecting my vacation all wrapped up in bubble wrap, boxed, and smelling like the sun these next couple of days...

Guess I just have to make the most of it.


Blogger x said...

now i know what a warmachine is. haha! (thanks for educating me.) hope you'll have a great week, dear!

November 02, 2007 4:36 PM  
Blogger towr said...

yeah, you need to help your sistr continue being a good boy!

November 04, 2007 11:05 AM  

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