Thursday, January 12, 2006

A Pathetic Moment...

Something triggered me to post this. Have you ever experienced that feeling when you can't take it anymore like the dam is at the point of breaking? As of this writing, that is what I feel. Here's my attempt of relieving some of the pressure that's been building up:

The past has come to haunt me...

Did you ever get that feeling that try as you may in going another path for the betterment of the majority you will still come across the people that are the root cause of your leaving? It goes to show you how cruel the world can be, and that past mistakes will haunt you to no end.


Don't you ever get that feeling? That sense that everything and everyone is out there conspiring to do you in? What have I done to deserve being dogged endlessly by such people and events?

The One...

Have you ever met the One Girl you'd think you'd ever want to spend the rest of your life with is that One Girl who did not see you in hers?

Have you ever strived for that One Thing that you'd ever want in your life only to realize that it is that One Thing that you are not destined to get?

Some things I want to say to the Great Void...

Happy birthday to all those born today.

Got this from SMS. How timely can this get: The thing about being a good sport is that you have to lose to prove it. But since you can't win all the time, it will display your character, either way.

"Songs in my dreams my @$$. That song was for you! The white flowers were for you as well for crying out loud!" If you get to read this, you'll know this post was made with you in mind

I apologize for the need to vent. My ugly side.


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