Thursday, July 27, 2006

Running On Empty...

July 27, 2006...

Things have been a bit hectic at work as of late. Just confirmed that two of my staff are leaving for opportunities in family businesses or abroad. Which means until we find a replacement, I have to take up the slack that will be left as they make their preparations to leave. Not a moment of rest when working 8hours straight, even during lunch. You know what they say - No rest for the good looking... sigh.

Before I fall victim to the tell-tale signs of burnout, I finally decided to drop everything I was doing at the stroke of 6pm and started painting... in my office. Yep, I tried getting back into a painting mood on my Warmachine figs and to finally complete my 500pt battlegroup (pardon the game speak). With only the time available to pass the traffic, I only worked on just a few colors on one warjack and nothing else. Work still reared its ugly head during my impromptu paint session but only in the form of signatures and some email. Once I get the basic colors done will I be set to do ink washes, shading, highlights, and other clean-ups. Maybe I can finish this particular piece over the weekend. Then on to the next.

Time to go home and get some rest for tomorrow's grind...


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